Energy supply
in wich Poland participates or participated

Energy supply

In the communist era (1949 - 1991) , the countries of Eastern Europe worked together in the field of gas- and electricity production and transport. The electricity networks from most countries were connected by high tension lines. In this way countries could exchange electrical energy, if needed.
This co-operation was organised in the same way as in Western Europe, but the co-operation was less intensive.

In this era the USSR was an important exporter from natural gas and oil. Therefore there pipelines were built to transport gas and oil to the satellite countries. The oil and gas deliveries were paid with agrarian and industrial products.

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Polonica stamps:

Bulgaria 1978, 03 X
German Dem. Rep. 1966, 08 XI
German Dem. Rep. 1973, 14 VIII
Soviet Union 1978, 25 VII